Monday, December 14, 2009

What Do You Do After An Internal Creampie

Live from Copenhagen ...

Living in Lund is both through the Danish capital, and these days he might not have escaped you that some international summit should be quite worried it seems, whether protests or strictly diplomatic tensions between interest groups, developing countries, European Union, China and the United States in particular.

I just missed the violent confrontation between police and protesters by attending Saturday in the collective movement. Vandals broke into the crowd and sprang unexpectedly to demolish some unfortunate windows, it seems, before the police decide to arrest all those who attended, with 968 people arrested including, if I think the newspaper Le Monde . This is called a warm atmosphere.

Slogans are sometimes very different in Denmark, for example one of them was " Antikapitalist !" instead of "anti-capitalism !", which shows the profound diversity of political ideas around the world. A good language experience anyway.

just hope that the summit does not end in apathy, in developing countries to withdraw from the negotiations as a sign of protest, given the current positions taken in respect of them to finance the next three years-only. Expect the exchange, Not the status quo.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Inspecrtion Report Template

Plea for a real semesters in France.

To observe the functioning university in Sweden, a striking difference lies in the semesters, not a technical term referring to a division of the academic year in two years as we conceive spontaneously in France but an organization based on a unit semester, the semester is roughly half a normal year.

Let things to be clear. There is still some time before 1998, and negotiations of the Bologna process, no common unit of measurement exist in terms of European higher education. Awarded a Master of Business Law, Mr. Smith could therefore hardly be exported to another country, or at least less easily than in a harmonized system. Yet it is precisely the intention of the rulers in the late 1990s: it wants a European harmonization, expressed in ECTS-credits and European-based unit semester, hoping to develop mobility and Europeanization studies.

12 years later, I notice especially in France the introduction of the system is done wrong. For better or worse without doubt is preserved perhaps the problem is ours and which adorns our diplomas of a certain prestige in the international collective imagination, but we will certainly cons flexibility practice seems highly desirable . Specifically, when a student signs his matriculation, he enlisted for one year. This seems absurd in a system where the unit is the semester, it would, for the sake of consistency, commitment for one semester. Here students enroll in Sweden where they want. For example, a semester studying English and a semester of English, then they decide to travel a bit before taking a semester of English a few months later, their brief freedom is real. Consider also the resounding failure rate in first year, he would probably very beneficial to provide an absolute shift and simple as possible. In the land of pastry sophisticated studies are not immune to the complexity, with in turn increased pressure on students shoulders. I personally considered very differently my studies if I had the opportunity each semester to do something different, without sacrificing the continuity of my curriculum. But I went head to the grindstone, as most of us ...

A salute, then, that kind of argument . And to think in terms of expatriation university.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nicotine Hallucinatins

Scandinavian Realism.

It seems to me quite significant that the legal realist school will be widely developed in Sweden. For those who would not see what he is talking about, this is a philosophical approach law which is to enjoy a certain reality, as opposed to a positivist approach. The latter would lead instead to consider a normative system as such, quite detached from coherent third contingencies, as Kelsen has intensively addressed. The realistic approach, as constructed by the sages of Uppsala, is based on the social, and school is often called social realism. The idea is that substance must be built to the right and the object, the company owning the legal truth if you will. Thus, if society believes collectively that such a rule is obsolete, since when it should not exist. Lawyers should strive in this direction to correspond to the collective will, and not get lost in the beauty of ethereal legal systems.

A current well known and different from these two there is the natural law. In this design, sometimes called "droitdelhommiste", it also seeks to deny legal positivism hardcore posing certain values as fundamental and unalterable. Thus, a legal system inspired Nazi would be acceptable in terms of a logical positivist, who accepts herself, while it would be unacceptable in a system which would have placed first sight of intangible rights supreme. This design also works around a problem inherent in social realism: it subtracts values too contingent, likely to change overnight the whim of the masses, protecting them sustainably. But this quality is also questionable, since we can always discuss endlessly the legitimacy and coherence to want to characterize a particular right as fundamental.

Amidst these interminable debates, I'm responsible for writing a dissertation on Lundstedt and his theory in light Kant and Rawls, two other major thinkers for anyone interested in political philosophy. Certainly I will discuss my findings on this blog, in case it could interest some soul in perdition conceptual.

Incidentally, the playboy pictures of none other than himself Hagerstrom, spiritual father of Scandinavian realism.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Little Tikes Philippines Distributor


The performances will survitalisé my schedule and indirectly undermined this blog, too helpless to my taste, I go back to better habits.

In any case, the Importance of Being Earnest in English, performed by students, won rather a hit with local audiences. The hungry ghosts marketing probably hasten to explain that the Anglophone internationalization and ambient, boosted by the well-character Educated student of a city completely, and therefore more likely to be paid in this kind of cultural entertainment. Finally, Oscar Wilde himself draws the crowds at the rate seems to me there. And more selfishly, perhaps the good work of the forty students with contributed to the project has also borne fruit.

For those interested in any involvement, just go to the building of the Academic Society and take his information. Incidentally, be sure to scrutinize the promotional posters of shows in the corridors of the headquarters, summing up at least fifty years of various projects. Ingrid Bergman appears on a poster in the post-war example ... To you try to take your place.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum Spray

"I'll think about it" he refused. By force of

A cultural curiosity more Sverige: civility leads to express refusal indirectly. If you ask your manager something, his answer may well be on the order of "We'll think about it," when in fact it means "no."

I guess that's one more sign marking the national pacifism. This kind of response sometimes leaves a bit pensive, including the expatriate rather it is a question that will be dissipated in an unknown direction. Namely so ...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Your System Has Not Been Modified. . . .

surströmming ...

That some time that I had promised to warn you against the surströmming, fetid specialty food and Lapland. This is very simply herring ... left to ferment a few months. One can easily imagine the smell of it. The boxes suggest in particular consumers to open out, to avoid transforming its housing olfactory trawler.

Apparently the reason for this strange places is simply looking for a way of preserving food, the time when life was very hard in the far north. But the tradition has continued beyond the need-and unnecessarily hasten to add gourmet taste-. In any case the fish besides being repugnant to many people normally formed, has also experienced a setback in the air because it was simply forbidden by airlines - British Airways and Air France me seems il-. The risk of explosion is invoked here.

An animated example of it:

For once, a reason to recommend against Sweden as a culinary destination ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Happens If You Swallow Scope?

Creating Theatre in English in Lund, it is possible.

I have the chance to contribute to an interesting project, namely the first play in English conducted in the context of FY - Akademiska Föreningen , a sort of academy students if we want: we play very soon Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde . Official information are available here .

The latest film adaptation of this elegant Victorian room below

I hope we will succeed in driving brilliantly this exciting project. All interested are warmly invited from November 22 to 26, AF building.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hallway Painting Idea

Sport quasi-national Swedish.

If football is perhaps the most played sports here, without major differences with France, hockey enjoys an aura much broader in Sweden, according to the television audience measurement. This sport misunderstood by us is very popular among the nations in the invigorating temperatures: Canada, Russia, Finland, Slovakia in particular.

A glimpse of that passion and fun because well-dated:

accents well-typed 70's anyway ...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Installing Winch Dodge Ram

French education for Sweden.

With more perspective on the higher education system in French, Swedish efficiency makes me want to raise some critical aspects of our system.

First, the Nordic university has more money. These budgetary resources will inevitably result in a research exercise facility, and in particular scientific fields requiring heavy investment. Of course, it should also include major schools in this comparison, but comparison between schools remains fraught with meaning.

In fact, study at the Swedish University of access is difficult. The bid is required, because the selectivity is there, unlike France where the mere bachelor's degree is sufficient. This generosity may explain a failure rate so high in the first year of license. Instead, promotions Swedish students are reduced, thus benefiting a very comfortable frame rate, and enjoy the prestige of their position, not to mention the flexibility of the training that they have access. Instead, the French studies at the university are rarely simple, in my personal experience. At least with regard to law school, we must work seriously to validate a license and invest a lot in a master to enjoy a good record University. Record that is almost essential to access a quality master 2, where the selectivity resumed so fierce at times.

France made the choice in the 80's I think he, a massification of higher education. The idea is appealing, but today it seems to me that the level of Bachelor was mostly pointed downward, leading to almost any high school student to be able to get it. Enchanting success rates at follow bin, however, failure rates equally impressive at the entry in higher education. It would seem more appropriate to upgrade the BA, to do something more difficult, which would constitute a true system of filtering to limit the disaster of the early years.

Similarly, Sweden has a lot of respect for vocational courses, which inherit most of the collective disdain in France. We prefer to train high school graduates who do general wear that title rather than artisans, because without doubt, the elite culture is there. How many students select their courses by simple elitist rational calculation, to go where are the best? Would not it more humane to consider all avenues as worthy? Certainly, there is a cultural reality difficult to overcome.

Another consequence related to budget decisions is the quality of student life. A form of allocation of autonomy exists in Sweden, the order of about 700 euros if I think my Swedish friends. It is paid to all students regardless of family status. French policy, though traditionally regarded as generous, is away from this model. Social scholarships are awarded, in principle, by means of the parents. And they are only about 450 euros to step 6. This difference is significant to anyone who will succeed academically. Corrigendum: The allocation of autonomy is not the order of 700 euros, it is around 270 euros, at least for the student that I know. The ability to receive in the 450 euros more reports to the State loan. Thank you to the wise commentator!

All these differences are quite striking views from here. Of course, it may seem a bit specious want to whine endlessly about the flaws of our system, so that in practice a major issue is the reality of public finances if we are to improve the state universities. And public money does not grow on trees, unfortunately. At the very least we should seek some new wisdom, I found this system really rich good ideas.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bangalore Directory Search Airtel Landline

darkness of seventeen hours. Some will lose

Here come the time of the penumbra, which promises to softly gloved in black: five in the evening and a trace of sun on the horizon ... The time change has not helped in it, and soon the blue sky will be a distant memory of a bygone era. Sweden dark!

And so a wave of silence fell on the article obscure.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Milena Velba Coconut Oil

slaps in Sweden for decades.

It will seem amazing to know that it is absolutely impossible to raise a hand against a child in Sweden, regardless of the intensity of the act in question. We're not talking child beaten with a whip here, but even the slightest physical gesture brought against them, a slap, for example.

This prohibition is not light, it is criminally established and culturally defended for decades, the late 70's to be precise. In Sweden, just try to slap a child on the streets-your own, preferably-. You'll soon come running some shocked witness, and within minutes after a police officer will probably be there for you to answer for your actions. Exactly as in France, in the situation where you hit your offspring with a hammer on the public square.

ban spanking of any surprise or annoy number Latin minds, surprised that we do so many cases of corporal punishments that seem pretty ridiculous. It seems however that this approach fits into the overall meaning of history. There is still some time, the hammer and the ruler on the knuckles of iron was considered perfectly normal. Gradually, the spirits have abused these customs for them to disappear gradually. This would, I believe, continue this logic qu'inscrire in the penal code a general ban on hitting children.

More generally, I suspect that such an approach increases the security psychological development of children, who grow up without fear of physical threat and therefore have greater confidence, friendly lot acquired for life. We still find such treatment within the school system where teachers avoid any stigma to retain only compliments. This education by the kindness seems very effective, even if I speak as a mere observer and certainly not with the scientific competence of a psychologist.

Remember therefore in practice, if you go miss Sweden every slap, spank or body treatment, unless you want to assess the quality system Criminal.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thumbturn For Schlage Locks

A tube of toothpaste for your pasta. The Swedish

A preferred Lund Sweden and various concepts, I leave this blog fairly silent on the daily practices in Sweden, inevitably different from ours. Yet there certainly enough palaver, for example on the existential question of food.

Something rather odd from our point of view is common to containers of condiments. Instead of using an ordinary glass bottle or plastic, they have generally chosen the tube, just like toothpaste. It seems a little lacking in the first refinement First, and recalls the needs of astronauts sentenced to eat in weightlessness - in this photo, food Project Mercury -. But after all rational minds emphasize, rightly, that the content must take precedence over their attire.

Alas, I shall have little to say much about these
last. The sauces have proposed a general tendency to give the mixture of sweet and salty flavor with a vanilla base and crustacean often enough. The taste is rather sickening from my point of view. Few surprises save the strangeness Generally these products. Tuna sauce for example, pretty good.

That's certainly a reason to trumpet the Marseillaise: the model seems much more gourmet French and Nordic ... A charge of retaliation.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good Futuristic Games

meaning of the measure. Erasmus

A Lund and elsewhere in the country, the primary quality of man is the meaning of the measure. Swedish modesty is nothing legendary, it is deeply rooted in national culture. This point is a particular word, lagom, which refers to the idea a fair measure.

In human terms, it is noted as a keen sense of listening, reflection of a collective compliance that makes each word of something harmonious. Each assigns a compliance similar to the idea of others, in an exercise of equal original fort. Nothing to do with the arrogance of French, if you will pay in the self-critical caricature.

Socially, it is noted that this sense of lagom finds expression through the remarkable tradition of social compromise. The ability to develop and enact a compromise seems deeply in tune with this thinking, which certainly does not exist in France. The language of Molière, carried by the momentum of revolutions knows little lagom even if we have the term "measured". But we do not use as absolute and religious. This approach certainly seems more peaceful, as it involves a systematic search of the most consensual. Thus, from the extent of reforms in the 90s in Sweden, which can be essentially reduced to the idea of a wave of privatization, it is likely that the National lagom played a role.

In any case, the lagom seems often forgotten by the Swedes when the drink becomes the concern of the festive Friday. Without doubt can we draw here a slight contrast, the high calling of our gourmet tastings.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chest Right Side Density

The Meaning of Life. The proximity of the remote

The European exchange program founded in 1987, which I am currently one of the lucky recipients, increases much more than the internationalization of strict academic profiles. Beyond the undeniable benefits in terms of employability of everyone, and besides the virtues of the language project, I think there are better behind all this. Something infinitely more personal and vital.

I can not find better than the now classic film L'Auberge Espagnole to illustrate my idea. Let me summarize the plot so rudimentary, it is primarily the story of an economics student, probably his license ALMOST finished, looking for a job and to do so in search of his personal employability. But a council will be given, if he wants to work in MINEFI through a relationship: it would need to partner abroad so as to present an interesting profile in terms of service. Students spend a year in Barcelona and discovers life as never before, comes back, gets the job desired. And then suddenly vanishes professional project may be too bland to make everything explode. Our hero plate all aware that everything's not interested much in substance, and wants to reconnect with his personal dream of becoming a writer.

cynically commented, we can say that escapes the fate of many of his fellows in more or less the same posture, with the revelation of Erasmus. Many students are economics and law, I think we can admit, and certainly the least degree level, without vacuum clean. They are there because you have a job, because the right or the economy is good and it forms, in theory, frameworks. How many of them leave their sensitivity to the dressing room? Abandoning the arts and letters, leaving projects wisely crazy in the closet for their preference for the rigors of a career mapped linearly, or at least the direction it appears to follow. Fortunately, Erasmus comes in there, saving kick in the anthill, and some discover there is still time to pursue their passions if they were chaotic at first.

Beyond this there may be naive and caricatured in these remarks, I think we can certainly remove a certain thing of the Erasmus experience. Slice of life as granted abroad, away from the national habits, they carry within one semester or one year in a special sphere. The mind is on vacation, the world appears large and accessible, the extended capabilities, the richness of a single youth to preserve. This sentiment, floating home, airy community Erasmus pushes us to reach our part of the most affectionate intimacy. We wish to reiterate what we love, before everything, and less kowtowing to the criteria expected by a rigidly preconceived path. Inspiration invades us, our tolerance extends equally to our adaptability, and an insolent smile appears.

Obviously, this song in praise of the European exchange is relative to various other considerations. Such as funding, which may appear questionable, but that is probably the most favorable system in the world ever designed for student mobility. Materially speaking for the European students, an allowance is automatically granted an amount of about EUR 120 per month of stay. In addition it can help the country. In France this aid may be the mobility grant, awarded to fellows based on social criteria and an amount of 400 euros per month of stay. Or mobility grants for students very deserving of a roughly similar amount. The possibility of being funded to the tune of 520 euros per month is certainly positive. Some defects are eroding the beautiful machine in this area, it is true. Thus the payment of aid in the month of ... December (sic), hurting terribly all those unable to advance money the previous three months. But the whole remains nonetheless very satisfying to me to think of the tens of thousands of dollars or pounds sterling fees that constitute the reality of students from other states.

Finally, others are sometimes regret tarnishing this cheerful table. Including ... the fact that students do not benefit enough, at least not as much as they could, given that the offers are still higher than the national demand for mobility. Recent reforms of the education minister has also sought to increase its reach, as desired by the report led by Jacques Attali some time ago. Hope that eventually we are all contaminated virus mood.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Examplesof Wornigmemoto Workers


The photograph of the individual Nordic par excellence would virtually silent, run a lifeless expression, expressionless inhumanly futility of expression if you will. No doubt there's truth in that, in considering them in contrast to the cultural behaviors that are ours, and in particular those in the south, ready to exuberance. Without doubt this is more true to travel to northern Sweden. It is said, in essence, that those in South Scania, therefore, are more extroverted than in the north-Silent Lapland! - And the degree of sociability is inversely proportional to the height north to map.

yet to address the Swedish language and the state of interpersonal relations in this country, I see, strangely enough, a unique degree of closeness in society. There is, for example, any form of "vous" as we know it tu is the Purpose. It tu and his boss, his teacher, a politician ... There was a polite form in Swedish but it has been and is today presqu'effacé exclusively reserved for the royal family, told me the natives. Similarly, the titles of civility have vanished from the conventions of language several decades ago-except, it seems to me he talks with the King of Sweden-. It will always address people using their names. This exercise may seem surprising from a Latin point of view, used to apply to holders of authority very formally protected. So forget " Professor Jean-Paul of the Françiseraie " under a "John Paul " To take a hypothetical example. This closeness is reflected in linguistic practices in everyday life also. Wait in a store will certainly mean that you are a café. Formalism public is reduced to almost nothing for the benefit of the greatest simplicity.

Subjectively, I feel that this state of affairs reflects a very modern in human relations. One can also regret that reveals perhaps a impoverishment of language, the scarcity of formalisms may be a reflection of a more general distress syntax. But I'd see more, kindly, the translation of a culture deep social democrat, strongly committed to egalitarianism in speech, without distinction of any kind of status. Good thing, right?

Mahabhringaraj Oil Review

Laval and Viking, fears of a social model?

Jurisprudence Community n'émeut generally not public, so disconnected from each other's concerns, though encumbered with terminology and arcane procedural device. Sometimes, however, decisions hit reality with force. Evidence is two stops that were echoed in the media unprecedented Northern Europe: business Laval and Viking .

These two decisions show strong similarities. Both made in late 2007, they address the same problem, namely the tension between freedom of community services and national labor law. To summarize the idea as simply put, the European Community has set a goal of liberalization in the 27. By liberalization, understand that we try to ensure the absolute movement of certain entities. These entities can be people, goods, capital or services. The objective is to equalize the conditions of market access for all European citizens. For example, a lawyer holds a French degree should be able to provide its legal service in another member state, with equal treatment with respect to the locally trained lawyer. Conversely we could not accept any discrimination based on nationality. Thus a member state can not legislate to impede the import of certain products from other European countries, under any false pretext. The liberalization of services, carried by the famous Bolkestein directive known , obeys the same logic.

However, this liberalization is often frightening. The idea that nightmare could be carried into the idea of social dumping . Imagine posting an Estonian company employees in Sweden, for example, to ensure service school construction. It respects a collective agreement in Estonia. We want him to sign a Swedish collective agreement, but she stubbornly refused. Strikes followed, everything goes to litigation, an appeal is lodged with the ECJ, and ultimately a decision is made to give harm to Swedish pretensions. Here summarized roughly the Laval. The direct practical consequence of this is so that the Estonian company can pay its employees posted in accordance with conventional SMIC Estonian, Swedish territory. One imagines the yawning gap that can separate the two states, and the anguish of Swedish workers before this terrible competition created thereby. The risk would be willing, by the desire to preserve the competitiveness of workers want to bring the wages down.

If Viking is very close. It was a Finnish shipping company Vikingline, seeking to register one of its ships to Estonia. This would obviously reduce its labor costs by employing staff to lower costs. Followed it a protest and a union dispute, which eventually led to a Community decision vindicating the service provider. Again the fear of social dumping is heightened.

These two cases mark the spirits because they seem politically symbolic. Finland and Sweden, two countries described as among the models most protective of employees, are denied the relevance of their collective rules in favor of a liberal Europe, and for the states of Eastern Europe, although the costs lighter. And it seems in practice to allow some social dumping. Commentators have often been surprised and critical vis-à-vis the reasoning conducted by the Community Courts. It would have been desirable, no doubt, to go beyond the letter of the law to reach a spirit more social. Watching.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can You Still Swim With Herpes Outbreak?

The Swedish wage, the urge to change?

A major difference between our labor law to his Swedish counterpart is the difference between legal standards and norms. In other words, the difference distinguishing the statutory rules, developed primarily by the parliamentary rules of collective origin, developed by unions and companies in the negotiations. Whereas in France the legislature holds the reins, at least traditionally, labor standards, Sweden provides virtually complete freedom to the social partners.

Remember, France is not totally absent from collective bargaining, on the contrary. Collective agreements, that is to say these contracts after tough negotiations between employers and employee representatives, contain a large number of rules aimed at employees and are the daily routine of every legal expert on the subject. But the question that may decide the social partners, there is often a limited response to legal origin. In other words, there are often minimum thresholds set by the legislature, and below which the social partners can not fall. The example of the salary is eloquent: the minimum wage is identified annually by the legislature, establishing the Labour Code respecting the minimum wage. Of course, nothing prevents the social partners to agree on a minimum wage above the minimum wage, which must therefore be applied for lack of not respecting collective agreements. But this exemption does not therefore be made in a manner favorable to the employee, that the doctrine has called for principle in the hierarchy of labor law.

But Sweden, a strong social dialogue historically anchored, has a very favorable system for the social partners. The question of wages, to use this example illustrates: there is no minimum wage Swedish posed by the law. Only there are minimum thresholds set by collective agreements. Thus it is theoretically possible to modify "the urge" the wages of Sweden, in other words in accordance with the agreement between the parties. In general, say that in the Scandinavian Labour Code does not exist and leaves the lion's share to community standards. This sign is probably a social success, the culmination of a model based on the logic of compromise and responsibility collective.

This brilliant model of collective vitality has not been a consistent story and quiet, though. In the early 1990s, Sweden has suffered an economic crisis which some have identified a cause in the failure to reform a model of collective bargaining. Wages were negotiated over the rise, to summarize the main idea, while times of austerity necessary. The Swedish economist Lund Christer fell fairly, in a paper written in 1991 - Recent Trends in collective bargaining in Sweden The crisis in Of The Swedish model - he would decide between two alternatives. The first, a continuation of the Swedish classic, imply a collective responsibility given to the taste of monetary necessities. Second, because new market-based, involve using variable supply and demand to adjust salaries. While the first solution would maintain a centralized collective bargaining, the other way tends more to the breakup and dispersion model. Now retroactively it appears obvious that the second path has been borrowed. It also a general trend affecting Europe in the 1990s, as noted in the interesting report Supiot 1999 - Beyond Employment, under the direction of Alain-Supiot. Bargaining levels undergo a double movement of localization and internationalization of the fact of globalization. France and Sweden have not been spared.

Finally, the strength of the Swedish collective standards is certainly largely in the degree of collective investment of its employees. To compare France and Sweden in 2006, according to OECD statistics, the unionization rate is 8% for one and 80% for the other, or a distortion quite spectacular. Without doubt can we regret the French weakness in this area, which probably tends to empty the unions of their legitimacy in terms of the collective imagination. In any case difficult to envisage a purely legal change to redress the balance. The collective sense of ownership seems at first a challenge social condition of a collective game stimulated.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Much Power Does A Bathroom Fan

The Follow-Me

I use the Follow-Me now for 1 year! I finally take the time to make a record of this system of traction bike child.
I discovered this system thanks to Greg who said the greatest benefit on his blog . So I went by my favorite bike shop ( EspritCycles ) to order. He took the opportunity to reference it in his shop for other clients.

must have 200 € to get this model. The kit for a bike costs 25 € extra child.

Overall, the Follow-Me seems of good quality (it weighs its weight). The installation on the bike adult is simple: replace the 2 nuts on the rear wheel with the 2 nuts. We must control the model ring matches! And a hook behind the door baggage:
For bicycle child (between 14 and 20 inches), allow about 30 minutes. Should be cut (with a wire cutter) a metal collar to the frame size and use it to fix the clip in the frame.
NB: with the kit are provided a child protection tape to avoid damaging the paint on the frame and two metal clamps to allow reuse on a larger bike.

On the front wheel of the bicycle child, replace two nuts from the 2 "bar-nuts" provided (2 sizes available in each kit).

Installing the Follow-Me:
The Follow-Me clips on the nuts of the adult bike:
One Step blocks the screw and pin system secures all:
We fix the ring on the clip and the Follow-Me is "ready to roll" in 1 minute

The installation of bicycle child
The Follow-Me comes off the hook and "open" to receive the bicycle child
It brings the child and the bicycle front wheel locks into the vertical guide (distance setting performed at the first use):
The 2 "bars nuts "inserted into a jaw that closes when a U clipe telescopic the attachment of the bicycle child
Cycling child is ready to be pulled after one minute.

can fix a bike second child by purchasing a kit additional child. In order not to tinker every time I set the Follow-Me to the size of the largest bike and the front wheel smaller does not touch the vertical guide. You just be careful to balance the 2 "bar-nuts" in the jaws of the Follow-Me. The photos show a 16 inch on a Follow-Me set for 20 inches.
After a year of very regular use, I am fully satisfied by the Follow-Me. The system is very stable because the traction point is low. The sensations are quite similar to those felt when towing a trailer.
We drive as well with the bike towed child "empty" with a passenger on board. When the child pedals, help is invaluable, especially in the few mounted Strasbourg.
In one year, the system has not moved a single time and I opened my toolkit when Arthur got his bike 20 inches (see here ).
For long walks, the child may be very tired to type a little nap in the back seat while we go home. With 2 children, one can easily switch between bikes towed allowing everyone to turn to regain strength. But not the daddy ...
The Follow-Me is compatible with accessories such as children back seat and stroller holder.
As there is always a little flaw, that of the Follow-Me is a threshold for a bit too low which caused me to rub down the sidewalk of a high (2 times in 1 year ...)
We are all ready to go for a walk in town with Arthur on his bike, Jules in the back seat and Oscar in the front seat. And the stroller for the city.
are beginning to compete with the bike wheelbarrow ...