Saturday, November 28, 2009

Little Tikes Philippines Distributor


The performances will survitalisé my schedule and indirectly undermined this blog, too helpless to my taste, I go back to better habits.

In any case, the Importance of Being Earnest in English, performed by students, won rather a hit with local audiences. The hungry ghosts marketing probably hasten to explain that the Anglophone internationalization and ambient, boosted by the well-character Educated student of a city completely, and therefore more likely to be paid in this kind of cultural entertainment. Finally, Oscar Wilde himself draws the crowds at the rate seems to me there. And more selfishly, perhaps the good work of the forty students with contributed to the project has also borne fruit.

For those interested in any involvement, just go to the building of the Academic Society and take his information. Incidentally, be sure to scrutinize the promotional posters of shows in the corridors of the headquarters, summing up at least fifty years of various projects. Ingrid Bergman appears on a poster in the post-war example ... To you try to take your place.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kanna Sceletium Tortuosum Spray

"I'll think about it" he refused. By force of

A cultural curiosity more Sverige: civility leads to express refusal indirectly. If you ask your manager something, his answer may well be on the order of "We'll think about it," when in fact it means "no."

I guess that's one more sign marking the national pacifism. This kind of response sometimes leaves a bit pensive, including the expatriate rather it is a question that will be dissipated in an unknown direction. Namely so ...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Your System Has Not Been Modified. . . .

surströmming ...

That some time that I had promised to warn you against the surströmming, fetid specialty food and Lapland. This is very simply herring ... left to ferment a few months. One can easily imagine the smell of it. The boxes suggest in particular consumers to open out, to avoid transforming its housing olfactory trawler.

Apparently the reason for this strange places is simply looking for a way of preserving food, the time when life was very hard in the far north. But the tradition has continued beyond the need-and unnecessarily hasten to add gourmet taste-. In any case the fish besides being repugnant to many people normally formed, has also experienced a setback in the air because it was simply forbidden by airlines - British Airways and Air France me seems il-. The risk of explosion is invoked here.

An animated example of it:

For once, a reason to recommend against Sweden as a culinary destination ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Happens If You Swallow Scope?

Creating Theatre in English in Lund, it is possible.

I have the chance to contribute to an interesting project, namely the first play in English conducted in the context of FY - Akademiska Föreningen , a sort of academy students if we want: we play very soon Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde . Official information are available here .

The latest film adaptation of this elegant Victorian room below

I hope we will succeed in driving brilliantly this exciting project. All interested are warmly invited from November 22 to 26, AF building.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hallway Painting Idea

Sport quasi-national Swedish.

If football is perhaps the most played sports here, without major differences with France, hockey enjoys an aura much broader in Sweden, according to the television audience measurement. This sport misunderstood by us is very popular among the nations in the invigorating temperatures: Canada, Russia, Finland, Slovakia in particular.

A glimpse of that passion and fun because well-dated:

accents well-typed 70's anyway ...