An evening with my youngest daughter, when I kiss her the night before, we always chat for a while.
"- Dad, I feel like I'm having trouble falling asleep, I'm too upset.
- Really? There are things that do not, you are worried?
- No, no, but there are plenty of things in my head. You know how do you stop thinking?
- Ooh la! It is difficult to stop thinking. You think of things that t'inquiètent?
- No, I say, stop making your psychiatrist, Dad! It's just that I can not stop my brain to sleep. Tell me how.
- Well, often what helps is not to try to sleep, not to say: "I must go to sleep, I must go to sleep", but rather relax. For example, feeling good breath: paying attention to the air that enters the nose, which descends into the lungs, which then shows a bit more tepid, feeling sure how the chest and abdomen inflate and deflate, gently ... You feel this?
- Yeah, yeah. "One moment
"- I feel, not terrible but it works, anyway. You have nothing better?
- You know, sleep, can not control him, we can just wait until it comes, trying not to get too excited to be determined to sleep there now.
- OK, OK. Then drops, rather scratch my back a bit please ... "
what I did.
And she fell asleep.
Moral: to stop his mind, not necessarily need a shrink, sometimes physio good enough.
Illustration: sometimes, we sleep and our eyelids are heavy, but the eyes of our mind can not come close ...
inward News of the day: this Friday, January 14, 2011, at 13:30 on France 5, interview with Health Magazine on the book "Secrets of shrinks."
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