First of all, thank you again to my little bougnettes favorite for his sublime birthday message! I do not always leave ...
Finally, the festivities are over, so I have one more year, we will not make a fuss .... Go to job knitting! Level health I'm a little rather weak these days, but hey, the rest, it can also knit, so ...
Anyway I have many things to show you, starting with the jacket ... which this is the Cecilia story:
In November, I received a call like no other: one of my friends, looking for a Christmas gift for his wife (my friend Cecile, so), asked me to create a life for her ... Knowing that it bears much the little gray sweater that I had offered last year, we have the same tastes and the same size, but it all ...
A command? Wow, I was not expecting it, is like a consecration of my prowess tricotesques not?
So I am excited for this project, which I could not say no, so the challenge was fun!
Here is the beast created for the beautiful:

No, I do not mind, I just forgot to cut my head the picture ...

Laine Phildar of vintage CECILIA needles, 8 ...
Cecilia loved .... phew! Anyway I told her husband that if it does not please him, I kept to myself ... hihihihi!
It remains for me to me make one, it would still have my notes I found ...!!!
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