Throughout our lives we are faced with phenomena that are beyond us. They can help us, feed us, we grow. But we also obstruct, destroy us or make us suffer.
Some of these phenomena are external to us: they can be forces of nature, like wind, or these sequences of events life that some call destiny. But sometimes it happens in us our whole emotional life - love, fear, sadness, anger - thus comprises a large part it is illusory to control completely.
Like the wind, our emotions are powerful forces that will be. And we can obviously put in a cage. Must we then resign ourselves and suffer? Not necessarily.
Accept, it is not waived. The same wind that destroys and sweeps away all that opposed him frontally, it is also he who turns the mill, or move the boats. If one accepts that the strongest, and if one thinks about what he can bring us, then we quickly understand that this is not to want to cage, or control it, which is the right approach. But how to get the best.
Our emotions as we can scan and push us around. They also, sometimes, we'd like to control them and put them in cages. It would also be unrealistic with the wind. Even more risky. Our emotions can serve us as free: accepted, understood and harnessed, not suppressed, repressed, caged.
So millers or how to become sailors ourselves?
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