days ago like this, where you wake up at dawn, while it was still dark ...
There are days like this, where it rains incessantly, all day ... and as we realize it that day has dawned ...
There are days like this, where it takes a year to the counter, just to add a small layer melancholy that day ...
There are days like this, where if you bump into kids with great difficulty, we said we would perhaps stay in bed ...
But there are also days like this, where you wake up finding a gift package side of the breakfast ready ...
There are days like that, where a student slips a note "You aite my favorite teacher, happy birthday" ...
There are days like this, where when you back on your laptop after a long day's work, there are a multitude of messages from loved ones ...
And when more in the package there is this:

It lets off steam on the crank! Hihihi! I have a new toy, I think I am a seller of the Drugstore!
Finally, 34 years, it does not sound so bad! And as you say I am still quite a young girl, Little bougnettes can confirm! I have only twice her age after all!
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