is an exercise I call "democracy and hot shower," and sometimes I move in positive psychology: from time to time in the shower, rejoice to have hot water (and do not expect the failure of water heaters to groan), and from time to time by reading newspapers, rejoice to live in a democracy (do not worry about being awakened at 5 am morning by the political police, to vote for whoever you want, say what we think of public life).
I talked to a friend.
Shortly thereafter, while returning from a humanitarian mission in Africa, she writes an email she entitled "Dictatorship and cold shower." Here:
"I hope you are well and that you holding up in spite of your" season " charged.
I just returned from 10 days in DR Congo. Since I try to find meaning in all these horrible and unjust situations which I witnessed, I try to accept how the world works and I take off my thoughts of rebellion and tristessse ...
I still need lots of practice to accept all this I think ...
That's hard, back from mission to assess - without guilt - whatever we are given here (and that is wasted or are not benefiting enough) ... At
when democracy and the hot shower for all?
Friendship "
Always the same question : How to enable the happiness in the midst of misfortune? And always the same answer: not guilty of happiness that we are allowed, but 1) do not waste them, 2) find the strength to help those who are very far away ...
Illustration: the universe reminds me that "Dictatorship and cold shower" ...
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