one day I wrote this little text about our nurses, hospital:
They are strong, my nurses. I say "My" nurses as they say "our" doctors: affectionate manner, and to bring our proximity, as they say "my" cousins "my" parents, "my" ... They are great neighbors. You should see reassure anxious patients, comfort the depressed, gently bring to reality those who suffer from schizophrenia. When participating in our therapy groups, their presence reassures many participants, that we, psychiatrists do not hesitate to confront some hard times, through simulation exercises confronting their fears, or explanations that do not always make them happy. They have every reason to be proud of them. Yet, they doubt very much. When they must prepare a presentation for a conference, they wonder if they will not have stage fright. Once a radio or TV plans to interview them, they worry about not having enough interesting things to say. Each time, it's going well, though. But they do not feel for them when they are put under the spotlight. Question of society: our values many doctors and not enough nurses. It recognizes their importance, but it is not the same thing. It does not boast. Why are there no statues of nurses to hospitals, nursing names given to streets or public places? It would be good for self-esteem of our nurses. And most importantly, it would be deserved.
And some time ago, I met at a conference in Belgium a young girl nurse who had read this text and was well liked, but I said that there is at least one exception to my statement, as shown by the attached photos, it gave me that day. I am delighted at this meeting and this correction.
Well, now I know it exists, but I still think 1) that the case of two nurses in Belgium is part (as they are celebrated for acts of war, and not for their regular work), 2) that in every way, there is still not enough!
Illustrations: Photos (statue and street sign) offered by the young Belgian nurse.
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