Saturday, July 12, 2008

What Will Happen If I Put Orajell On My Penis

The Trail-Gator

Jules Arthur and begin to make good progress on their bikes and system pulling a bike child becomes necessary if one wants to go on a long walk.
I borrowed a Trail-Gator to get an idea of the system before you buy.
It takes about 70 € at Decathlon to get this model.
Overall, the parts seem good (the bar weighs pulling its weight) and the installation is not too complicated. It should still count for a good hour to put everything in place first, before going on trips.
For the fixation on the adult bike, a good set of necklace can fit on seatposts from 25 to 32 mm in diameter.

The bike towed child will be a 20''max. The first big disappointment is the inconsistency of the fastening system with a brake front center pull. This is even more problematic than is the solution adopted by front brake Decathlon for all its bikes to 18 children.'' In short, it works on the bike Arthur (left), but not that of Jules (right).
edit: accessories sold separately used to tow a bike with center pull front brake.
Second concerns discovered in the aftermath: the clip attaches directly to the frame of the bicycle child! Attention to painting ...
edit: adding a piece of chamber air, it protects the paint on the frame
The drawbar fits easily on the attachment of the bicycle child, everything is blocked with a skewer.
A plastic bar is used to lock the handlebars of the bicycle child by binding to a ball attached to the forks.

In all, the fixation bicycle adult child on the bike takes 30 seconds, watch in hand, without tools.
Everything is installed and tightened as recommended by the instructions very detailed.

The first round vacuum to get the hand, is quite positive: the bicycle child follows the path of good adult bike, although slightly further inland in the corners . But we made it very quickly. No worries for hauling the kids' bikes vacuum.
Arthur climbs his bike and go! The sensation is much like a trailer with two notable differences:
- when the child pedals, it feels really help, especially valuable at the start of the coupling. However, the child quickly churns into space as soon as it reaches a certain speed.
- to start or passage of a donkey, the adult bike has a slight tendency to pitch up. However, my Dutch bike weighs heavy (about 20 kg including all accessories ...). I imagine the effect on an ATV aluminum ...
And then, boom! After turning a little tight, tie the bike child turned on the frame ... Having not won a tool, we are forced to walk home because the child looks damn bike.
Back at home, I see the damage on the frame: the painting is dead.
As there is nothing left to lose, I will retry the test, this time tightening the tie as a bully. After one or two kilometers on flat tarmac (in the streets of Strasbourg), the tie was again slightly turned. Therefore impossible to go for a walk without tools and / or on land a little chaotic, unless attaches to weld on the frame of the bicycle child ...
When not using the pull rod, it fits on the side to release the luggage rack. Last nasty surprise on my bike and luggage rack wide, the bar comes to store just behind the pedal, making it difficult to pedal. I am therefore obliged to let her put on the luggage rack.
Note that the system is totally incompatible with a child seat rear suspension (type Hamax) and carrier stroller .
The drawbar Trail-Gator is the most widely marketed, but its use should be very casual and city to be satisfactory.
As it prevents the use of many accessories dedicated to the city (luggage rack, rear child seat, stroller door), it will be necessary to mount and unmount every time, unless you have a bike completely dedicated.
edit: the newer model secures the drawbar on the adult bike attachment also with a skewer. It is a notable improvement that qualifies the initial notice: no need to necessarily all mount / unmount every time.
For regular use, so I advise families to buy the bike drawbar Trail-Gator and turn instead to the FollowMe .
mikalo1616 Thanks for the info added edit


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