It will seem amazing to know that it is absolutely impossible to raise a hand against a child in Sweden, regardless of the intensity of the act in question. We're not talking child beaten with a whip here, but even the slightest physical gesture brought against them, a slap, for example.
This prohibition is not light, it is criminally established and culturally defended for decades, the late 70's to be precise. In Sweden, just try to slap a child on the streets-your own, preferably-. You'll soon come running some shocked witness, and within minutes after a police officer will probably be there for you to answer for your actions. Exactly as in France, in the situation where you hit your offspring with a hammer on the public square.
ban spanking of any surprise or annoy number Latin minds, surprised that we do so many cases of corporal punishments that seem pretty ridiculous. It seems however that this approach fits into the overall meaning of history. There is still some time, the hammer and the ruler on the knuckles of iron was considered perfectly normal. Gradually, the spirits have abused these customs for them to disappear gradually. This would, I believe, continue this logic qu'inscrire in the penal code a general ban on hitting children.
More generally, I suspect that such an approach increases the security psychological development of children, who grow up without fear of physical threat and therefore have greater confidence, friendly lot acquired for life. We still find such treatment within the school system where teachers avoid any stigma to retain only compliments. This education by the kindness seems very effective, even if I speak as a mere observer and certainly not with the scientific competence of a psychologist.
Remember therefore in practice, if you go miss Sweden every slap, spank or body treatment, unless you want to assess the quality system Criminal.
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