With more perspective on the higher education system in French, Swedish efficiency makes me want to raise some critical aspects of our system.
First, the Nordic university has more money. These budgetary resources will inevitably result in a research exercise facility, and in particular scientific fields requiring heavy investment. Of course, it should also include major schools in this comparison, but comparison between schools remains fraught with meaning.
In fact, study at the Swedish University of access is difficult. The bid is required, because the selectivity is there, unlike France where the mere bachelor's degree is sufficient. This generosity may explain a failure rate so high in the first year of license. Instead, promotions Swedish students are reduced, thus benefiting a very comfortable frame rate, and enjoy the prestige of their position, not to mention the flexibility of the training that they have access. Instead, the French studies at the university are rarely simple, in my personal experience. At least with regard to law school, we must work seriously to validate a license and invest a lot in a master to enjoy a good record University. Record that is almost essential to access a quality master 2, where the selectivity resumed so fierce at times.
France made the choice in the 80's I think he, a massification of higher education. The idea is appealing, but today it seems to me that the level of Bachelor was mostly pointed downward, leading to almost any high school student to be able to get it. Enchanting success rates at follow bin, however, failure rates equally impressive at the entry in higher education. It would seem more appropriate to upgrade the BA, to do something more difficult, which would constitute a true system of filtering to limit the disaster of the early years.
Similarly, Sweden has a lot of respect for vocational courses, which inherit most of the collective disdain in France. We prefer to train high school graduates who do general wear that title rather than artisans, because without doubt, the elite culture is there. How many students select their courses by simple elitist rational calculation, to go where are the best? Would not it more humane to consider all avenues as worthy? Certainly, there is a cultural reality difficult to overcome.
Another consequence related to budget decisions is the quality of student life. A form of allocation of autonomy exists in Sweden, the order of about 700 euros if I think my Swedish friends. It is paid to all students regardless of family status. French policy, though traditionally regarded as generous, is away from this model. Social scholarships are awarded, in principle, by means of the parents. And they are only about 450 euros to step 6. This difference is significant to anyone who will succeed academically. Corrigendum: The allocation of autonomy is not the order of 700 euros, it is around 270 euros, at least for the student that I know. The ability to receive in the 450 euros more reports to the State loan. Thank you to the wise commentator!
All these differences are quite striking views from here. Of course, it may seem a bit specious want to whine endlessly about the flaws of our system, so that in practice a major issue is the reality of public finances if we are to improve the state universities. And public money does not grow on trees, unfortunately. At the very least we should seek some new wisdom, I found this system really rich good ideas.
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