The photograph of the individual Nordic par excellence would virtually silent, run a lifeless expression, expressionless inhumanly futility of expression if you will. No doubt there's truth in that, in considering them in contrast to the cultural behaviors that are ours, and in particular those in the south, ready to exuberance. Without doubt this is more true to travel to northern Sweden. It is said, in essence, that those in South Scania, therefore, are more extroverted than in the north-Silent Lapland! - And the degree of sociability is inversely proportional to the height north to map.
yet to address the Swedish language and the state of interpersonal relations in this country, I see, strangely enough, a unique degree of closeness in society. There is, for example, any form of "vous" as we know it tu is the Purpose. It tu and his boss, his teacher, a politician ... There was a polite form in Swedish but it has been and is today presqu'effacé exclusively reserved for the royal family, told me the natives. Similarly, the titles of civility have vanished from the conventions of language several decades ago-except, it seems to me he talks with the King of Sweden-. It will always address people using their names. This exercise may seem surprising from a Latin point of view, used to apply to holders of authority very formally protected. So forget " Professor Jean-Paul of the Françiseraie " under a "John Paul " To take a hypothetical example. This closeness is reflected in linguistic practices in everyday life also. Wait in a store will certainly mean that you are a café. Formalism public is reduced to almost nothing for the benefit of the greatest simplicity.
Subjectively, I feel that this state of affairs reflects a very modern in human relations. One can also regret that reveals perhaps a impoverishment of language, the scarcity of formalisms may be a reflection of a more general distress syntax. But I'd see more, kindly, the translation of a culture deep social democrat, strongly committed to egalitarianism in speech, without distinction of any kind of status. Good thing, right?
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