Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where Did Bam Get Rib Tattoo

The wool dress ... and bibi! When

Ah, those bougnettes, weeks and nothing then bang! they do not stop!
must say that travel is (for) is for croutons. So Mad Men before and during a rainy orange alert that I finished my little dress in baby alpaca.

boss is improvised, since I control the top down, hop hop, it takes shape as and when fitting. I am unable to knit the front, back and sleeves, then sew, then try to finally realize that it will not! Cheers for the top-down and fitting as you go!

Small simple dress, then, to bear all that in On Mode Off, what to ask more? It was almost a year since I had dug up a lot of balls from the spinning Alpalite Di Crossa and I had this faucet head. It was just finding the time!

Here in pictures:

So no, the left pocket is not shifted, it is I who am so bad that I always deflected the pool a little ...

Otherwise you have to wonder what's on my head: Little bougnettes will recognize, this is my bibi winter 2010, in perfect condition, unearthed for the modest sum of EUR 3 Montelimar to Emmaus ... Watch as cabbage

Obviously, I will not work with .. . My students do not call them! As for my beautiful shoes, it's the ultimate pair purchased in the last shoe of Lyon before it closed shop last July ... Very nice 60s suede boots purple, handmade, leather sole toe ... There are days like this, when I say that I have a cave of Ali Baba in my dressing room, despite my meager purchasing power!

There are days like this, where we extend many holidays and croûtonnage, but everything has an end. We meet the 13 , I think!


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