Well it looks!
Small bougnettes just left, but we took advantage! Croûtonnage intensive, many off state ", sometimes" on "mode ...
And then you say "Uh, what is this new language which we understand anything?"
For those who may spend here, the concept of "croûtonnage" must be mastered, but a little wakeup call can not hurt. As for the mode on / off ""... Go through the glossary bougnesque here!
FRENCH GLOSSARY - bougnettes
Croûtonnage : Made lazy nm while being creative. Dressed (e) a pajama, indulge in jewelry design, knitting, reading or watching the cult series.
"Well if we Mataitai an episode of" Flight of the Conchords? "" Oh yeah I'll wait to get my knitting, I'll wash later ... "
Mode ON : loc. nm Engl. bougnettes The use makeup, their hair, dress: it is ON mode.
" Say, Aurelie, I have an idea: What if we said we had set mode ON for nothing?"
Mode OFF : loc. NM Engl. The bougnettes still in their pajamas, wear comfortable shoes, a T-Shirt inform superimposed toudoux stuff. Then they take their shower, but recovering in OFF mode for the rest of the day.
"Me now, I'm way off I'm warning you."
You now have all the elements to share a moment with bougnettes without being lost.
Let us look at the productions of croutons, made in OFF mode, but the proposed mode ON - See how we respect you:

A beautiful pair of asymmetric BO (Lea)

A ring, black lace, with a cameo ... (Lea)

A bronze necklace with a small umbrella, a pink cream in a cage-ball with a little white feather, and a node-node beige leather (by Aurélie ... Lea)

A head-band of black velvet, with lace lace powder pink, gold button ... (By Lea ... Aurelie would have kept it on his head!)
Result: Lea A more productive than ever, a somewhat Aurélie more lazy, but I do have an excuse: Project scope on my knitting needles ...
you, it occasionally croutons, or you're always in the ON mode??
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