Well, what is this job?
Small bougnettes totally taken by her holidays then its back does not care nothing here is a scandal!
It could go unnoticed if I was on my side a little more wordy and ... creative on this blog! Ahem ...
I confess, I too am taken by my return. Yeah, new colleagues, new buildings, new students, new levels, Phew! So I'm back in classes and not so much on the web root ...
I have some stuff to show you p'tits anyway. Obviously I decided to take pictures and post them today as the day is simply the ugliest since I live in the south! I imagined that already all pretty pictures, objects staged in the garden, nay! Pure scuttling blog, another scandal!
I could give you my recipe for fig jam gingerbread, I could show you all my findings Flea Montelimar ...
do not blame me, I'm working my way - even now while I'm on strike! A shame! - Although I am a lazy teacher who has a vacation all the time and who can only complain.
While bulk:
A small necklace that I hacked together the night before last a rummage in my box of tricks (the ones who often go through here know that my love-knots nodes do not date from yesterday!)

A future Maximum GRR mixed lin-feather, started ... long ago ...! Done ... one day?

A pretty little bracelet that I wear very often:

My beloved poster of PJ Harvey, who has found his place wall:

Hometowns "for necklaces (big lie elsewhere!) and BO" on the wall yet repainted (the previous tenant liked the terrain. .. no comment)

And my friends Karl and Ursula who give you good advice:

poster collector's glasses with iridescent s If you please!
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