To observe the functioning university in Sweden, a striking difference lies in the semesters, not a technical term referring to a division of the academic year in two years as we conceive spontaneously in France but an organization based on a unit semester, the semester is roughly half a normal year.
Let things to be clear. There is still some time before 1998, and negotiations of the Bologna process, no common unit of measurement exist in terms of European higher education. Awarded a Master of Business Law, Mr. Smith could therefore hardly be exported to another country, or at least less easily than in a harmonized system. Yet it is precisely the intention of the rulers in the late 1990s: it wants a European harmonization, expressed in ECTS-credits and European-based unit semester, hoping to develop mobility and Europeanization studies.
12 years later, I notice especially in France the introduction of the system is done wrong. For better or worse without doubt is preserved perhaps the problem is ours and which adorns our diplomas of a certain prestige in the international collective imagination, but we will certainly cons flexibility practice seems highly desirable . Specifically, when a student signs his matriculation, he enlisted for one year. This seems absurd in a system where the unit is the semester, it would, for the sake of consistency, commitment for one semester. Here students enroll in Sweden where they want. For example, a semester studying English and a semester of English, then they decide to travel a bit before taking a semester of English a few months later, their brief freedom is real. Consider also the resounding failure rate in first year, he would probably very beneficial to provide an absolute shift and simple as possible. In the land of pastry sophisticated studies are not immune to the complexity, with in turn increased pressure on students shoulders. I personally considered very differently my studies if I had the opportunity each semester to do something different, without sacrificing the continuity of my curriculum. But I went head to the grindstone, as most of us ...
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