Since I ride with every day, winter included. I offer a small inventory of positive and negative Triobike.
Children are hyper-protected and run no risk of falling or projection in case of side impact or cervical problem frontal impact, it's really their safety and comfort take precedence. The hull form is very soft, large enough (the space in front of the children has the volume of a shopping cart), the seats are comfortable and the integration of the rain cover and sun allows the outputs pleasant by any time. The
Triobike is very easy to handle small and very low speed. The half perimeter towers are a low snap. The overall stability can stop anytime and instantly get the cycle.
For transmission, the torque is huge and the increase in speed. This is the triangulation of wheels that allows truly strong support on the pedals if desired. Without wishing to achieve a performance or a race, you can drive at high speed even at full load and feel the same security. It should still provide some braking distance.
No maintenance is required (all cables are integrated into the chassis, full chain guard) which is a good thing since there is no dealer in France today.
The manufacturer provides no grip council cycling. If the road is very convex, we must provide a substantial and sometimes uncomfortable effort to compensate, at the beginning it seems that the boat part in cabbages. We must learn to negotiate the sidewalks curves fitted by taking an angle to avoid a shear effect, the habit comes after 4 / 5 sidewalks poorly negotiated. There is an imbalance
"front-back" but only before getting on the saddle and full load (child + a large volume of races). This is due to the choice of placing the hull 2 wheel well back to emphasize the quality of the bends. So, in case of large load on the tip, you either have someone hold the seat is asking the children to load. In short, not easy ...
tires deflate too quickly, they must inflate every 1 to 2 months.
The absence of stand can be inconvenient to stop if the ground is not flat. You can use the hand brake on the stroller for this purpose, but the change in the position of the cable (to bike stroller) still takes 10 to 15 seconds. The bar below the hull, provided for storing the front wheel (which is added when you go bike configuration) tend to rub when climbing very fast on a curved sidewalk, this case occurring fortunately quite rare.
The painting of the chassis and the shell is green (water) but does not stand much impact or dirt.
The notice of a "triobikeur" on the bicycle-wheelbarrow
I really enjoyed the comfort and elegance of cargobike cruising speed: little effort is needed to move once the missile launched and its narrow width is a real plus. The distribution and overall balance of the masses "front-back" is well thought out.
Another example is the possibility to easily integrate a maxi-cosi and "natural" materials and overall appearance of the bike more nature-barrow. Personally I do not like the aesthetics of high-tech Triobike.
Currently I have no preference for one system or another. Everyone who really many extras certainly different, it would be best to try both before equipping.
My wife Florence who did not practice at all the bike so far has felt very safe on the triobike that offers a no-fault on this point. For my part I think the triobike perfectly meets our needs for mobility and frequent operations (shopping, children's travel, business travel by bike or scooter simply ,...).
Overall I would say that the principle of Triobike with his slurred, his low center of gravity, its natural stability at rest, provides a relaxed driving, even reckless dilettante, especially for frequent starts and stops in the city generally.
I also ordered an electric assist, a priori available at the end of the year, I'm probably the first to try it ... This assistance can do wonders, especially in places where slopes are very numerous and almost impassable in standard bicycle, scooter therefore totally impractical or otherwise.
For us and our greater family happiness, the triobike fully replaced the use we were doing every day of the car. "
Thanks Denis for your return user
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