My advice to succeed this great leap forward, it is especially not to use small wheels, oddly called stabilizers: they tend to tilt the bike ...
First, grab a hobby-horse. It's a bike without pedals, with or without brakes depending on the model. Jules Arthur and call their model "the bike ladybug. With this gear, the child will gradually find its balance in allowing themselves rolling along a gentle slope. Not fall because the seating is very low and feet are always there to restore balance when necessary. After a few
weeks of intensive raids on Wednesdays and weekends, the child has finally found the trick. It makes for Arthur and Jules:
When the child feels ready to go on a bike, the ideal is to have to a small bike (14 inches) with the saddle fully lowered. He will find the thrill of the hobby-horse and may test the pedals at will. We recover
Arthur (4 years old) and Jules (3 years) who cycle as adults:
For the hobby-horse, count about 40 € for a basic model. The brakes are an option which can happen quite easily, but it tends to wear out the shoes ...
For the bicycle 14 inches, it takes about 60 € for a new model. Otherwise, it finds in flea markets for ten euro. The child will use up about 5 years.
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