Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can You Still Swim With Herpes Outbreak?

The Swedish wage, the urge to change?

A major difference between our labor law to his Swedish counterpart is the difference between legal standards and norms. In other words, the difference distinguishing the statutory rules, developed primarily by the parliamentary rules of collective origin, developed by unions and companies in the negotiations. Whereas in France the legislature holds the reins, at least traditionally, labor standards, Sweden provides virtually complete freedom to the social partners.

Remember, France is not totally absent from collective bargaining, on the contrary. Collective agreements, that is to say these contracts after tough negotiations between employers and employee representatives, contain a large number of rules aimed at employees and are the daily routine of every legal expert on the subject. But the question that may decide the social partners, there is often a limited response to legal origin. In other words, there are often minimum thresholds set by the legislature, and below which the social partners can not fall. The example of the salary is eloquent: the minimum wage is identified annually by the legislature, establishing the Labour Code respecting the minimum wage. Of course, nothing prevents the social partners to agree on a minimum wage above the minimum wage, which must therefore be applied for lack of not respecting collective agreements. But this exemption does not therefore be made in a manner favorable to the employee, that the doctrine has called for principle in the hierarchy of labor law.

But Sweden, a strong social dialogue historically anchored, has a very favorable system for the social partners. The question of wages, to use this example illustrates: there is no minimum wage Swedish posed by the law. Only there are minimum thresholds set by collective agreements. Thus it is theoretically possible to modify "the urge" the wages of Sweden, in other words in accordance with the agreement between the parties. In general, say that in the Scandinavian Labour Code does not exist and leaves the lion's share to community standards. This sign is probably a social success, the culmination of a model based on the logic of compromise and responsibility collective.

This brilliant model of collective vitality has not been a consistent story and quiet, though. In the early 1990s, Sweden has suffered an economic crisis which some have identified a cause in the failure to reform a model of collective bargaining. Wages were negotiated over the rise, to summarize the main idea, while times of austerity necessary. The Swedish economist Lund Christer fell fairly, in a paper written in 1991 - Recent Trends in collective bargaining in Sweden The crisis in Of The Swedish model - he would decide between two alternatives. The first, a continuation of the Swedish classic, imply a collective responsibility given to the taste of monetary necessities. Second, because new market-based, involve using variable supply and demand to adjust salaries. While the first solution would maintain a centralized collective bargaining, the other way tends more to the breakup and dispersion model. Now retroactively it appears obvious that the second path has been borrowed. It also a general trend affecting Europe in the 1990s, as noted in the interesting report Supiot 1999 - Beyond Employment, under the direction of Alain-Supiot. Bargaining levels undergo a double movement of localization and internationalization of the fact of globalization. France and Sweden have not been spared.

Finally, the strength of the Swedish collective standards is certainly largely in the degree of collective investment of its employees. To compare France and Sweden in 2006, according to OECD statistics, the unionization rate is 8% for one and 80% for the other, or a distortion quite spectacular. Without doubt can we regret the French weakness in this area, which probably tends to empty the unions of their legitimacy in terms of the collective imagination. In any case difficult to envisage a purely legal change to redress the balance. The collective sense of ownership seems at first a challenge social condition of a collective game stimulated.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Much Power Does A Bathroom Fan

The Follow-Me

I use the Follow-Me now for 1 year! I finally take the time to make a record of this system of traction bike child.
I discovered this system thanks to Greg who said the greatest benefit on his blog . So I went by my favorite bike shop ( EspritCycles ) to order. He took the opportunity to reference it in his shop for other clients.

must have 200 € to get this model. The kit for a bike costs 25 € extra child.

Overall, the Follow-Me seems of good quality (it weighs its weight). The installation on the bike adult is simple: replace the 2 nuts on the rear wheel with the 2 nuts. We must control the model ring matches! And a hook behind the door baggage:
For bicycle child (between 14 and 20 inches), allow about 30 minutes. Should be cut (with a wire cutter) a metal collar to the frame size and use it to fix the clip in the frame.
NB: with the kit are provided a child protection tape to avoid damaging the paint on the frame and two metal clamps to allow reuse on a larger bike.

On the front wheel of the bicycle child, replace two nuts from the 2 "bar-nuts" provided (2 sizes available in each kit).

Installing the Follow-Me:
The Follow-Me clips on the nuts of the adult bike:
One Step blocks the screw and pin system secures all:
We fix the ring on the clip and the Follow-Me is "ready to roll" in 1 minute

The installation of bicycle child
The Follow-Me comes off the hook and "open" to receive the bicycle child
It brings the child and the bicycle front wheel locks into the vertical guide (distance setting performed at the first use):
The 2 "bars nuts "inserted into a jaw that closes when a U clipe telescopic the attachment of the bicycle child
Cycling child is ready to be pulled after one minute.

can fix a bike second child by purchasing a kit additional child. In order not to tinker every time I set the Follow-Me to the size of the largest bike and the front wheel smaller does not touch the vertical guide. You just be careful to balance the 2 "bar-nuts" in the jaws of the Follow-Me. The photos show a 16 inch on a Follow-Me set for 20 inches.
After a year of very regular use, I am fully satisfied by the Follow-Me. The system is very stable because the traction point is low. The sensations are quite similar to those felt when towing a trailer.
We drive as well with the bike towed child "empty" with a passenger on board. When the child pedals, help is invaluable, especially in the few mounted Strasbourg.
In one year, the system has not moved a single time and I opened my toolkit when Arthur got his bike 20 inches (see here ).
For long walks, the child may be very tired to type a little nap in the back seat while we go home. With 2 children, one can easily switch between bikes towed allowing everyone to turn to regain strength. But not the daddy ...
The Follow-Me is compatible with accessories such as children back seat and stroller holder.
As there is always a little flaw, that of the Follow-Me is a threshold for a bit too low which caused me to rub down the sidewalk of a high (2 times in 1 year ...)
We are all ready to go for a walk in town with Arthur on his bike, Jules in the back seat and Oscar in the front seat. And the stroller for the city.
are beginning to compete with the bike wheelbarrow ...